Friday, January 20, 2017

How Does Your Garden Grow?

  1. My plant has grown a lot since we planted it. Its leaves have expanded tremendously since the last time I saw it, which was about a month ago. The leaves are much more wide and thicker. There also happens to be more green and yellow in the leaves now too. The main reason behind this growth is cell division (mitosis), photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. Mitosis caused the plant to make more identical cells. As more cells were created, the plant started to grow more and more. Photosynthesis also causes plants to grow. It does because it basically is their way of making food and energy. Without photosynthesis plants wouldn't be able to grow, and would just die off. Plants need to have cellular respiration because it is their way of making adenosine triphosphate which is also known as ATP.  ATP helps transfer energy into waste. Without these three important things plants wouldn't be able to grow.
  2. Our plant would be able to make these two enzymes pretty quickly if signals were sent to the nucleus. The first step is that there is going to be a process called transcription. This process is going to then change DNA into mRNA. mRNA is basically a nucleic acid that helps transfer and translate information to parts of the plant.Then the mRNA is given to the plants ribosomes. The ribosomes then translate the information that it was given in order to make polypeptides. Next, the endoplasmic reticulum helps finish the process by sorting and processing the PEPC and the Rubisco. These two proteins lastly end up in the golgi appartus where they get ready to be transported throughout the plant.

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