Thursday, February 16, 2017

Anthers and Stigmas and Styles, Oh My!

These are Brassica Oleracea they are considered a perfect flowers. They are called perfect flowers because they have both male and female parts. Since the Brassica Oleracea is a perfect flower it means that it can sexually reproduce by itself. Since this happens, it means that it is much easier for new plants of this species to grow. In other species plants the male and female parts would usually located in other flowers of that plant, and others the male and female parts are in other plants. This makes reproduction much harder.

This is the stamen of the Brassica Oleracea. The stamen in a plant is basically the male reproductive anatomy the long stalk is called the filament. The stalk comes out of the base of the flower, and the filament ends with an elf shoe like looking thing. This thing is called the anther. Without the anther the plant wouldn't be able to make pollen grains. Pollen grains are the plants male gametes, and pollen is the equivalent of sperm cells.

This is the female reproductive anatomy of the Brassica Oleracea. This part of the plant is called the carpel. Just like the stamen the carpel also has a stalk as well, but this stalk instead is called the style. At the tip of the carpel's style is the super sticky stigma. Since the stigma is super sticky it makes it super easy for it to collect pollen from the anther.

This is a picture of Brassica Oleracea that has been stripped all the way down the ovary and the ovule. The ovary is the big green thing in the picture. The little green orb is called an ovule. An ovule is an immature and an unfertilized Brassica Oleracea seed, and they are located in the Brassica Oleracea's ovary.

This is a picture of the Brassica Oleracea's pollen. The pollen is the plants male gametes cells. Without these male gamete cells there wouldn't be any reproduction, and without reproduction no plants would be able to grow.

Student Blog Post Assignment #7: Anthers and Stigmas and Styles, Oh My!

These images show that fertilization is underway. The stigma is the receptive tip of the female part of the flower. After pollen lands there, it germinates and forms a pollen tube which grows down through the style to reach the ovary.

Each pollen tube that reaches the ovary delivers one male gamete to fertilize an egg cell and one to fertilize the polar nuclei. In a single ovule, this results in the formation of one seed. Once the embryo and endosperm form, the seed undergoes cell division and growth. This usually takes about 40 to 60 days.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The plant cabbage is growing rapidly and cell division is happening to the plant to have it grow. Every time a plant divides it divides into two daughter cells which keeps plants and life grow to the fullest. The plant is in a good environmental place where the plant gets nitrogen and photosynthesis in use. Without photosynthesis plants cant live and other species won't survive. Cellular respiration is used when the plant takes in nutrition and lets out waste and keeps all the good stuff in.

Plant first starts off with transcription which mRNA was copied from DNA. Both mRNA and DNA are nucleic acids and that helps send information in the plant.  It is created by using ribosomes which is a protein that is founded in cytoplasm of living cells.